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Drama for Kids

A Fort St. James Children’s Theatre group is currently being developed.

Barbara Latkowski

Caledonia Courier

For those children with an obvious acting bug or for those who are just simply curious, a Fort St. James Children’s Theatre group is currently being developed.

Drama and dance classes are being offered free of charge every Saturday beginning Dec. 12 at the Evangelical Free Church in Fort St. James.

Laura Campbell is thrilled to be teaching the classes. “I noticed that there wasn’t anything here for children at the moment. I thought I would throw it out there and see what people think,” Campbell said.

Campbell, who has grown up with theatre says that she has received positive feedback from the community so far. “There seems to be interest, so we’ll just see how it goes. It’s informal enough that I think kids might be interested in trying it.”

Theatre has always been a big part of Campbell’s life. “I can’t wait to see what we can create together.”

Children 6-8 years old are invited to participate every Saturday from 10-11 a.m. And senior children, 9-14 years old, will meet from 11-12 p.m.

For more information, call Laura Campbell at: (250) 996-0118.