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Housing co-op for seniors

A group of volunteers formed a committee last November to look into the possibility of developing a seniors’ housing project.

A group of volunteers formed a committee last November to look into the possibility of developing a seniors’ housing project. This group looked at all the different ways of delivering senior housing and have decided that the most practical option to serve this need in the Fort area is a co-operative venture. This decision was largely based on the principles of a co-operative: which are:

Voluntary and open membership  –  membership is open to everyone

Democratic member control  –  all members have an equal voice in making policies and electing representatives

Member economic participation  –  all profits are controlled democratically by members and for their benefit

Autonomy and independence  –  co-operatives are always independent, even when they enter into agreements with the Government and other organisations

Education, training and information  –  co-operatives educate and develop their members as well as their staff

Co-operation amongst co-operatives  –  co-operatives work together with other co‑operatives to strengthen the co-operative movement as a whole

The group is planning an information session and start a co-operative membership drive. The free information session will be held at the: Stuart Lake Senior Centre at 250 Simon Fraser Avenue at 7 p.m. on Oct. 16, 2013.