The Fort St. James Community Foundation Society became a reality recently when it was incorporated on March 21, 2011.
After many informal discussions, the interested group of local residents met more formally and began to work on the establishment of the community foundation.
The foundation’s mission is to build a pool of charitable funds to serve the community by supporting initiatives that will strengthen the local economy, society, culture and ecology.
The group recognized that this area needed a local permanent capital fund which could receive money from a variety of sources and then have a method of distribution that allowed a wide range of people and organizations to benefit from the fund, on an ongoing basis. The principal investment amounts would never be spent, only the interest earned each year would be disbursed.
A preliminary Board of Directors has been formed including Joyce Helweg- Chair, Kris Nielsen- Vice President, Kandace Kerr- Secretary, Joan Burdeniuk-Treasurer and Deb Hadwen- Director. If you are interested in sitting on the board please let us know.
We plan to hold a variety of ongoing events to support this endeavour; fundraiser dinners and dances, silent auctions, local entertainment events, etc.
As an introduction to the Fort St. James Community Foundation Society, an Open House will be held on Saturday April 16 at Music Maker’s Hall from 4 p.m. til 6 p.m. Please plan on attending.