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We would like to express

a sincere thank you to all

the compassionate, caring

and benevolent people who

looked after Mom in her

later years.

Thank you for; dropping in

for a visit, delivering items,

coming to her aid, providing

transportation, checking up

on her, making house calls

and helping her out in many,

many other ways.

Through your kindness and

generosity Mom was able to

stay in her own home.

This could only have been possible in a community with

people as charitable as Fort St. James.


Memorial Service to be held at the

Fort St. James St. Patricks Anglican Church

May 14th 2011 @ 2pm

Luncheon to follow at the Legion

Your condolences will be approved within one business day. You will need a valid Facebook account. Please email us if you have any questions.

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