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It’s not over yet, so make the most of winter

In this area, winter holds on longer, so don't start getting excited for spring time just yet...
Frigid temperatures have made this late winter season a little slow at times.

Well, here it is, just the beginning of March and I can not believe how many people have said to me lately “Enough already, I’m ready for summer.”

Okay, those of us here for the last couple summers know what summer in Fort St. James can be like: a day at the beach.

The sunshine, warm water, sandy beaches and such can make for a heady cocktail we can’t get enough of.

But let’s not pretend it’s coming anytime soon.

The biggest drawback to the climate here in my mind, is the lack of spring.

It is a long, slow and cold season, the lake takes ages to thaw, the mud can be a bit of a challenge - not to mention the gravel on the roads - and then BAM, summer.

Then it’s weeknights at the beach, weekends at the beach, anytime at the beach or on the lake.

We get spoiled.

But winter still will have a long hold on us, and while time does always slip by quickly, I suggest embracing the remnants of our long winter, while the snow is good.

The cross-country and downhill skiing are fantastic right about now, with the sun and blue sky making for some pretty lovely days outside, and it warms up to a reasonable temperature when the sun is out.

Sadly, the ice will be out of the arena soon, but there is just enough time to take in one more skate or game, before it’s gone for another season.

The weekend this paper goes to press will also be the start of the first annual Fort St. James Winterfest, which will include two weekends of Caledonia Classic Sled Dog racing, some ice sculpting, a sugar shack, a cross country event and speed skating regionals plus some evening entertainment.

If there is one thing we can not control, it is the weather (climate change being something else entirely, we’re not exactly picking and choosing how it manifests itself).

It’s not yet time to put away the skis and snowshoes, and it’s going to be awhile before the bathing suits get broken out and the lake opens up for the first brave soles, so we might as well enjoy it.

Happy winter, happy trails.