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Young Senate page Brigette DePape leads by example

One story which hasn’t made much of a ripple is the act of civil disobedience by Senate page Brigette DePape, and I am not sure why.
B.C. VIEWS: Tax my car, not my income

B.C. VIEWS: Tax my car, not my income

Opponents of the HST can't seem to resist making the tax sound worse than it really is.
B.C. tourism group supports 10% HST

B.C. tourism group supports 10% HST

The Tourism Industry Association of B.C. has struggled with the impact of the harmonized sales tax, but supports it at a reduced rate.

Rural is good

There are definitely times when being rural is a good thing.
Yale treaty is B.C.'s toughest test yet

Yale treaty is B.C.'s toughest test yet

Truth in reporting

Recently I was approached by a business owner in Vanderhoof who felt that a story I had printed some months ago had damaged his business. The story had not painted a particularly positive picture but he claimed that the problems on which I had reported were not the fault of either him or his staff and that I should not therefore have printed the name of the business in the story, leading he says, to loss of customers.

Get back on that horse

I used to bike to work.
Selling HST to the ‘me’ generation

Selling HST to the ‘me’ generation

Flood response appreciated

This letter is in response to the article that appeared in last week’s paper entitled “Boat access only” which described the flooding of Sowchea Creek, and the effect on the residents in the area.

Green thumb gears up for some exercise